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时间:2023-03-24    点击数:

讲座题目:Labor Flow Shocks Matter for Asset Pricing(劳动力流动对资产定价的影响)

主讲人:陈坚 厦门大学 教授




Using a novel dataset based on individual resumes of public firm employees, we propose a monthly index of labor flows, and decompose it into an expected level and an unexpected shock components. We find that the shocks strongly predict short-term market excess returns, while the levels do not. The substantial return predictability remains out-of-sample, and delivers sizable economic value in asset allocation. Our findings cannot be explained by existing labor-related predictors and common economic variables. In exploiting the underlying economic mechanism, we show that concerns about economic conditions are more likely to influence return predictability.



陈坚,现任职于厦门大学经济学院和邹至庄经济研究院,教授,博导。主要研究方向包括:文本数据分析、机器学习、气候金融、金融科技、金融工程、资产定价等领域。入选厦门市高层次人才,厦门大学南强青年人才拔尖计划(A类)。科研成果主要发表于Management Science, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Futures Markets,《金融研究》,《管理科学学报》等国内外权威期刊。曾获得2022年投资学年会优秀论文一等奖、2016与2020年金融系统工程与风险管理年会优秀论文奖、2016年金融工程学年会优秀论文三等奖。作为项目负责人,主持国家自然科学基金项目两项,福建省社会科学基金两项。担任《中国经济问题》编委,SSCI期刊Emerging Market Finance and Trade客座主编,以及包括Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis在内的20多本国内外期刊的匿名审稿人。