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时间:2023-06-19    点击数:

讲座题目:Fiscal and Monetary Policy Interactions in a Model with Low Interest Rates低利率模型中财政和货币政策的相互作用

主讲人:苗建军 美国波士顿大学经济系金融学 终身教授




We provide a dynamic new Keynesian model in which entrepreneurs face uninsurable idiosyncratic investment risk and credit constraints. Government bonds provide liquidity service and raise net worth. Multiple steady states with positive values of public debt can be supported for a given permanent deficit-to-output ratio. The steady-state interest rates are less than economic growth and public debt contains a bubble component. We analyze the determinacy regions of policy parameter space and find that a large set of monetary and fiscal policy parameters can achieve debt and inflation stability given persistent fiscal deficits.



苗建军,现任美国波士顿大学经济系金融学终身教授。主要研究领域为Financial Economics, Macroeconomics, Industrial Organization, Public Finance。担任国际经济金融期刊Quantitative Economics, Annals of Economics and Finance, Economic Theory, Macroeconomic Dynamics副主编。自2003年以来,苗建军教授已在American Economic Review, Econometrica, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, International Economic Review, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Monetary Economics, Review of Economic Dynamics, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking等国际顶尖金融学和经济学期刊上发表论文50余篇。